This group of faithful help is in the Sanctuary, especially for the celebration of the Holy Eucharist and other liturgical services. They oversee the smoothe running of the liturgy.
Duties include preparing the Altar for Mass and cleaning the Altar following Mass.
Ministers of Communion, along with the priest and, on occasion, the deacon, assist with the distribution of the Body and Blood of Christ to the assembly during Mass. Training is provided.
The following are the qualifications for this ministry:
- Must be a practicing Catholic, and fully initiated (have received Baptism, Confirmation, and First Holy Communion)
- A registered parishioner of St.Philip Neri or St. Albert the Great
- 16 years of age or older, with a mature demeanor and a willingness to serve fellow parishioners
- Attendance at scheduled training opportunities
The Lector is a reader who proclaims the Scriptures at Mass and other services. In the absence of "an instituted lector" a layperson may be commissioned to proclaim the readings from the Sacred Schripture. To perform this ministry one should receive careful proparation, so that the faithful by listening to the readins from the sacred texts may develop in their hearts a warm and living love for Sacred Scripture.
It is required that the Lector Minister be a fully initiated Catholic living in communion with the Church; thus, received both First Holy Communion and Confirmation.
In this important ministry parish volunteers warmly welcome parishioners as they enter the Church for Mass.
Following Christ's examples of welcoming all with open arms, our hospitality ministers (Greeters and Ushers) open doors and warmly greet all who come to worship with us. Serving as a Greeter or Usher is a wonderful opportunity to get to know other parishioners. Interested individuals and families should be hospitable, have the ability to see the needs of others and respond to them, and be welcoming.
Responsibilities may include:
- Greeting parishioners
- Collecting the offertory
- Guiding parishioners during Communion
- Choosing a family to take up the gifts
- Serving as hosts to answer questions
- Cleaning up the Church before the next Mass
- Distributing handouts before and after Mass, including the Bulletin
- Making sure the church is closed up
This ministry plays a crucial role as visible signs of Christ's unconditional love in the church. They distribute materials related to the service, assist people for seating, coordinates the church collections, and oversees the celebration of the Holy Euchaist.
The mission of the Altar Server Ministry is to provide an opportunity for young children to actively participate in the tradition of Catholic worship. As Altar Servers these children assist the priests and deacons with processions blessings, rituals, etc during the celebration of Mass and other Sacred ceremonies.
We welcome all interested parish young children who are in 4th grade and above ahd have already received the sacrament of First Holy Communion.
Training is generally provided once a ;year. Trained Altar Serviers are then scheduled for serving at Mass. Regular calendar notifications are issued direcctly to Alter Srvers.
An 'Altar Appareciation Day' with fun, game, and food is arranged once a year to enjoy and develop as a team.
The Music Ministry supports the prayer of the people. Musicians, whether voice or instrument, offer their time and talent to the most important pray of the church.
Cantor: The Cantors are those who provide musical leadership to the assembly during the celebration of the Eucharist through leading the sung prayer.
Our SPNSA Parish offers:
Children's Choir
Youth Choir
Adult Choir
Join together in song, under the talented direction of choir director, Lydia Cho.
ST. PHILIP NERI CHURCH from 9:00AM to 1:00PM. . The Blessed Sacrament is exposed and adored by volunteers who sign up for one hour or more to pray before the Lord Jesus present in the Monstrance.
ST. ALBERT THE GREAT CHURCH at 9:30 AM has Mass and Anointing of the Sick.
The Pro-Life Ministry works to unite as a community praying the Rosary for the sanctity of all life from conception until natural death.
It is a ministry dedicated to changing hearts and promoting life through prayer and printed materials through which people's secular attitude may change to religious. The ministry promotes life from conception to natural death.
"I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full" Jn 10:10
The members celebrate the second weekend of the month as prolife weekend. On the second Saturday members pray the Holy Rosary in front of City Center in Alameda. On Sunday materials are distributed at both St. Philip Neri church and St. Albert the Great church.
To learn more contact Sherry Eastwood-Falls.
Office: 510-373-5217
A group that counts the funds collected at Mass each week.
Volunteers who care for and beautify the grounds and church.
Eucharistic Ministers who visit the sick and homebound and to offer communion.