The PPC is involved in most activities and programs effecting the liturgical and spiritual life of a Parish.
The general function of the Parish Pastoral Council is to advise the Pastor in those pastoral matters presented to it by the Pastor. It carries out its function by informing the Pastor of the needs and concerns, gifts and resources of the whole parish and its members; developing a parish pastoral plan and to participating in ongoing pastoral planning, recommending policies, procedures and programs which would assist in the implementation of the mission statement and the parish pastoral plan; and reviewing and evaluating the effectiveness of existing programs.
Meets 2nd Tuesday
CHAIR: Ken Dorrance
Advises the Pastor on financial matters of the parish and school. Responsible for monitoring all income and expenses, and approving the annual budgets.
Liturgy is public worship-the work of Christ and that of the church, the Body of Christ. By virtue of our participation in Christs work as members of the Body, we also participate in the divine life of the Trinity, an eternal exchange of love between the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. This action-liturgical participation -is our right and duty by baptism (SC 14)
If liturgy is public worship, then it must be well planned and organized so that the community can enter deep relationship with God through worship.The liturgy committee plans ahead of time all the liturgical celebrations and evaluates after the celebration in a way to help community for a better celebration and participation. The liturgy committee meets once in two months under the chairperson of
Meets 1st Tuesday (See Calendar)
Every other month
CHAIR: Catherine Morales
Advises the Pastor on financial matters of the parish and school. Responsible for monitoring all income and expenses, and approving the annual budgets.
The Parish Finance Council is a consultative group of lay parishioners who help the pastor exercise proper stewardship by giving him advice about financial planning, analysis, and compliance with a policy. The Council creates an annual budget for the parish; ensures that the Annual Financial Report is prepared and submitted to the diocese in a timely manner, prepares and publish an Annual Financial Report for the Parish Council and members of the parish community; meets regularly to assess the parish financial status and develop a plan for financing necessary repairs, renovations, and purchase of equipment.
Meets 1st Tuesday (See Calendar)
Every other month
CHAIR: Sandy Goya